Terminal Hacks - Show Uptime and Recent Reboots

Unsure how long your Mac has been running for before it's last reboot? Wanting to see a list of recent reboot dates for diagnostic purposes? There are a couple of useful Terminal commands that can help with this.

LECTROHACK #2 Terminal Hacks: Show Uptime and Recent Reboots artwork.
LECTROHACK #2 Terminal Hacks: Show Uptime and Recent Reboots artwork.


  • Open Terminal: Finder > Applications > Utilities

In Terminal, type or paste the following…



The following information will then be displayed...

Current time;
Amount of days and hours the Mac has been on since it was last rebooted;
Number of users;
Central Processing Unit (CPU) load averages.

Recent Reboots

  • Open Terminal: Finder > Applications > Utilities

In Terminal, type or paste the following…

last reboot


A list of dates will appear on screen showing each time the Mac has restarted.

The day, month, date and time of each reboot is displayed.

A list of recent reboots show in the Terminal.
A list of recent reboots show in the Terminal.

Originally posted 19 September, 2021.