
Unlike a lot of tutorials available online, this site is advert free and there are no identifiable trackers or analytics embedded across the site. That means you can browse through the site without distraction and with complete privacy. Instead we chose to use Plausible, a privacy focused alternative to Google Analytics which conforms to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) laws on privacy and data protection...

Plausible Analytics is an open-source project dedicated to making web analytics more privacy-friendly. Our mission is to reduce corporate surveillance by providing an alternative web analytics tool which doesn’t come from the AdTech world.

For the reaction and comment boxes on each post we use Ghost's native discussion application: Comments for Ghost. To leave a comment and participate in site discussion please become a member by subscribing (for free).

Comments can only be created by logged-in members, which help protect [the site] from spam and negativity.

The only exception to this are our video walkthroughs which are currently hosted on YouTube and are therefore tracked by YouTube Analytics.